Tuesday, January 08, 2019

On the eve of my second date with the Middle East…

The wait, the excruciating wait, continues.

On the one hand, my heart cannot wait to get back to the field and start powering full steam ahead. On the other, I’ve got a better half and two (soon to be three) little halves that make my heart ache at the mere thought of being away from them.

I am not going to be the first or the last person who has to leave his family at home to lead an isolated life across the seas. I may be in the middle of a huge crowd, but I’ll always be lonely inside.

But like the millions of people from Kerala in the Gulf region, the dream of a better tomorrow leads me on. Hopefully, my second stint in the Gulf will be relatively short, compared to my first. But simply put, it is going to be much harder too.

I have packed my bags and my heart in a suitcase. All I need to do now is to take off. And that, my reader, is the hardest part.

Wish me luck, dear reader, as I wait to engage in the second part of my Gulf sojourn!

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