Saturday, December 29, 2018

From past perfect, to future possible!

How fast time flies?

The last time I wrote something on this space, I was yet to enter my 30s. And now, I’m married, with two kids and a third on the way.

Some decisions in life, like this blog, for example, are taken on a whim. Then those decisions come back to surprise you by enduring for far longer than you thought they would.

Such decisions may die a thousand natural deaths. But like the memory of a loved one, it never completely leaves you. It would remain at the back of your mind, patiently waiting to be beckoned once again, on a whim, and come alive!

Some friends never leave you, even if you wanted to. And some enemies never leave you, however badly you want them to. This blog is slowly limping back to life at the insistence of a friend, from decades earlier, who I thought would remain a mortal enemy. Once again… surprises, surprises!

You know who you are. Thank you for pushing me into trying to write this blog again!

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