It must be a direct result of all those intense love songs that I heard in the calmness of the silence provided by my dear Don Whito Corleone…
The ethereal silence inside my car and the faint chords of melancholy belted out by the soulful Gregorian saints gave me that feeling again…that of feeling in love. The boy was once again little, excitedly hopping ahead to where the sands of time intended to take him. For him, without a doubt, the land of love would be filled with milk and honey and frankincense and myrrh…
…and of course, the girl he went to sleep thinking about, the girl he woke up wishing about…
The first time the boy felt in love was in his sixth grade, when the girl in the blue dress with the blue tiffin box to match offered him a piece of brown bread dabbed in red jam and faint yellow butter… he accepted the bread crumb and along with it, a part of her, into his life…
The feeling stayed for close to six years, until he reached graduation.
During a boring session at the physics lab, there seemed to be one spot that emanated much positive energy. Invariably drawn to its point of origin, the boy stood, and stared. Seated on a high platform, eyes closed in concentration, listening intently to the vibrations of the thin tuning fork, sat the most beautiful being he had ever seen… she struck the tuning fork again and the vibrations seemed to link with his heart, to the very depths of it…
… and the girl opened her eyes to him. The boy could do nothing, but melt at the sweet smile the girl gave him…
Eons later, the boy graduated and each went their way, in search of the life they knew they both should lead…separately.
Sometimes, when the boy sees a girl smile, nod her hair away from the forehead while concentrating on the book she is reading, take the extra care to put things back in place, arrange the flowers in breathtaking fashion, smiles at the old lady before helping her cross the road, wave at the school bus filled with grinning children, hand over loose change to the blind man sitting on the road… he would once again feel in love. A love that was never meant to be...
With the faint hum of the air conditioner in his ear and a thousand stars reflected in his eyes, the boy took the right turn, to home and to oblivion.
two consecutive days..then a month's break..and now silence again.
you're home! write!!!
looks like the motivator could use some motivation :-)
great post by the way. where are they now?
one word - beautiful :)
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