Friday, January 13, 2006

One Game To Rule Them All?

Why does it always have to be one single GAME, in india? Why is it that it has to kill off the others? why is it that even on a particularly bad day of the GAME, three pages gets dedicated as to what went wrong? Remember, i am not even talking about the days when things go well...

I am sick and tired of people telling me that i am not IN because i dont like the GAME, where the fuck is the freedom to love games? Isnt someone who doesnt love the GAME considered a gamer?

I wouldnt have written this post, but the frustration is too great in me to have left it unwritten.

I live, i burn, i long to see the GAME come down, and in its place a thousand others arise. Those around me did that to me, period.

that written, i retire feeling a little inner peace come over me. But not for long, for the GAME has just begun when i write this and would go for another coupla days, and thaose days, would inevitably be hell for me, as it always has been...


Ajoy Philip Babu said...

hmmm...its a game,remember.

eM said...

hi, i know you said you knew me and i've been racking and racking my brains to figure out who you are! :) Hint, please? Do I work with you? If I do, I'm really sorry, but I live most of my days completely oblivious to whatever's happening in my office, but you don't SOUND like someone I work with, so.. help?

Ajoy Philip Babu said...

hey achachen,
how is chris uncle?ive tried to contact you but nothing?whats going on there?

Ajoy Philip Babu said...

nice to hear from you... keep in touch.peace.

Shivangi Misra said...

Oh yes em, he does work with us... On your side of the floor! His politics is not in place but he sure is good at sports...